Welcome Back!

Here’s a quick recap of yesterday:

  • The internet is awesome.
  • HTML is weird.
  • Shawn makes boring slides and talks too much.

Follow Along:



Images are embedded via the <img> element:

<img src="http://placekitten.com/400/250">

The src is an image URL, which can be either fully qualified (with the http:// prefix, domain, etc.) or a relative path to an image file (src="images/kitten.jpg").

Image Sizing

By default, images have no width or height until the browser loads them. This can sometimes result in jarring layout changes.

The width and height attributes can be used to tell the browser how big the image is before it’s loaded.

<img src="http://placekitten.com/300/200"
  width="300" height="200">


Scalable Vector Graphics are the Internet’s vector format.
They encode shapes rather than pixels:

<svg width="250" height="250">
  <g transform="translate(125,125)">
    <circle fill="yellow" r="125"></circle>
    <circle fill="cyan" r="100"></circle>
    <circle fill="magenta" r="75"></circle>

See also: <img src="image.svg">

Let’s Play!



Cascading Style Sheets

They give HTML style.

Why CSS?

CSS was created to separate substance
(your content) from style (its appearance).
Before CSS, HTML mostly looked like this:

<p><font size="10">This is a paragraph with <font color="red">red text</font>.</font></p>

But with CSS you can make rules that define
the style for different elements:

  p { font-size: 10px; }
  b { color: red; }
<p>This is a paragraph with <b>red text</b>.</p>

CSS Syntax

selector(s) {
  property: value;

Multiple selectors are separated by a comma:

h1, h2 {
  font-style: italic;

You can have as many properties as you want in a rule. To make all <h2> elements red and centered, for instance:

h2 {
  color: red;
  text-align: center;

CSS Properties

text color color: red;
background color background-color: yellow;
border border: 4px dashed green
text shadow text-shadow: 0 0 5px blue

Shorthand & Compound Properties

Some properties accept multiple values, for instance:

  • font is a shorthand that can set many font-related properties at once.
  • border and background also serve as shorthand for a collection of related properties.
  • margin and padding take 1, 2, 3 or 4 values:
    • top right bottom left
    • top right bottom (left = right)
    • top right (bottom = top, left = right)
    • top (top = right = bottom = left)

CSS Units

Most property values can be expressed in terms of
different measurement units.

unit description e.g.
px absolute pixels 20px
% percentage of the parent value 200%
em relative to the parent font-size .5em
rem relative to the root element’s value 2rem
vw/vh percentage of the viewport width/height 50vw

Note: the value 0 can be specified without units.

CSS Colors

Colors can also be expressed in different formats:

format description e.g.
name W3C named colors blue, salmon
red, green, blue (RGB)
#f3c, #00dead
rgb(r,g,b) decimal RGB rgb(64,128,255)
hsl(h,s,l) hue, saturation, value hsl(180,50%,50%)
transparent .. transparent

There’s also rgb() and hsla() to control alpha, or opacity.

Font Properties

size font-size: 50px
family font-family: "Helvetica Neue"
weight font-weight: bold
style font-style: italic
everything! font: italic bold 60px “Helvetica Neue”

Layout Properties

text-align text-align: center
padding padding: 20px
margin margin: 40px
float float: right
display display: inline
display: block
(also: display: none)


The CSS position property, combined with
top, left, bottom and right, allows you to
arbitrarily position elements on the page:

relative position: relative; top: -20px;
absolute position: absolute; left: 50px; top: 100%;
fixed position: fixed; right: 0; bottom: 0;

Display Properties

opacity opacity: .5
opacity: .2
transform transform: rotate(-15deg)

The Flow

As browsers render each element on the page,
they keep track of their current position on the
screen, or the flow.

Floating elements change the flow of text and other elements around them, and can break up long runs of text.

(Relatively positioned) elements don’t change the flow of other elements, whereas (absolutely positioned) ones are removed from the flow and placed elsewhere.

CSS Selectors

CSS selectors are expressions that match different types of elements in your document. Here are some examples:

selector description examples
element matches elements with this name h2
.class matches elements with this class attribute .red
#id matches the element with this id attribute #chapter1

Descendant Selectors

CSS selectors may be made more specific by separating
multiple expressions with a space between them to
indicate their descendency:

section h2 { /* <h2> within a <section> */ }
.chapter p { /* <p> within a class="chapter" */ }
ul ol li   { /* <li> in a <ul> in another <ul> */ }

You can target direct descendants
by adding a > between selectors:

section > h2      { /* <h2> with a <section> parent */ }
.cars > li        { /* <li> with a class="cars" parent */ }
.people > .person { /* "person" with a "people" parent */ }


A special class of selector suffixes can be used to
style elements based on contextual criteria:

  • :first-child only matches the first child element
  • :last-child only matches the last child
  • :nth-child(n) only matches the nth child (starting at 1), or n can be odd or even

Adding CSS

There are 3 ways to add CSS to your document:

  1. Link to an external stylesheet in the <head>:
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
  2. Add a <style> element in the <head>:
    /* your styles here */
  3. Add a style attribute to any element:
    <h2 style="color: red;">Red!</h2>

Setting up Your Project

At some point you’re going to need to get
your work out of CSS Deck and into GitHub.

Set up Your File Structure

For simple sites, I recommend the following structure:

  • / (project root)
    • index.html
    • other-page.html
    • /css
      • stylesheet.css
    • /js
      • script.js

Note: index.html is a common naming convention for the file that should show up in a directory listing.

Set up Your HTML

Crack open Atom and create a new
HTML file with the following contents:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Your Page Title</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
    <!-- HTML here -->

Save this as index.html
in your project directory.

Create your Stylesheet

In Atom, right-click the file list in the left pane
and select Add File.

Type css/style.css in the Atom prompt.

Open, Edit, Refresh

Your workflow looks like this from here on out:

  1. Open index.html in Chrome by either:
    • dragging it from the filesystem onto Atom, or
    • right-click it in Atom’ file list and select
      Copy Full Path, then type file://
      and paste in Chrome’s URL bar
  2. Edit your HTML and CSS in Atom
  3. Refresh in Chrome with ⌘R (Mac) or F5 (Windows)
  4. Repeat 2 and 3 ∞

Refreshing Sucks!

Going back and forth between your text editor
and a web browser can be tedious.

Thankfully, Apple and Google made us
a very nice tool called the Web Inspector.

Using the Web Inspector

In Chrome (and other modern web browsers)
you can right-click on any part of
web page to inspect its HTML element:

The Elements Inspector

This opens Chrome’s element inspector:

The Elements Inspector

The left pane is your HTML.

The Elements Inspector

And the right pane is your CSS.

The Elements Inspector

You can change stuff in the inspector and Chrome
will update the page automatically!

In the top-right corner there’s a section that looks like this:

Right-click the image above and select Inspect Element.

Then, click inside the element.style { }
area to enter CSS editing mode. You can also
edit any of the other styles defined below.


The changes you make here are temporary. If you
refresh the page they will disappear.

If you want to save them, you will need to either:

  • copy the modified HTML or CSS and paste it
    into your editor, or
  • manually re-apply the changes in your editor.

Live-Coding Tools

So-called “live-coding” tools are great for
testing ideas quickly, with less back-and-forth:

But once you get comfortable with the Web Inspector,
you may never use one of these again!

Now, Go Ye Forth
and Write Some Code!